How to keep your boys looking and feeling cool as the weather hots up..

Firstly, sorry to everyone who received this post earlier via email with no content! That’s taught me a lesson about leaving my iPad near my one year old!

Anyhow, the sunshine has well and truly made an appearance and my edit of boys’ summer clothes is ready just in time!

My main tip for a stylish boys look is to turn up the sleeves Continue reading

Make a splash Part II

The practical things…

Now, these are the sensible things that are really not stylish in any way, but are essential for safety and for making life easier on your well deserved holidays. I sound so mumsy and so boring now don’t I? I’m not I promise 🙂

I always hated those uv rash vests, I still do. Continue reading

Make a splash

Stylish (and reasonable) kids’ swimwear is so hard to come by in the UK.

We’re lucky enough to spend time in Spain so I tend to buy it all over there. The Spanish are in a different league when it comes to dressing little ones and their swimwear is something else. Beautiful prints and fabrics, beautiful shapes, stores dedicated to the sweetest sibling swimwear (and it’s so inexpensive.)

One day I will find a way to bring all of this stuff over to the UK. But in the meantime, I have hunted around for the best that you can get Continue reading

The perfect (steal of a) summer dress

Now, I know you’re probably looking out of the window thinking, “is she mad? A summer dress?!” But trust me. Summer will be here before you know it.

Suddenly your kids’ winter wardrobes will be redundant and you’ll have weeks of uniform-less summer holidays ahead of you.  You will excitedly rush out to buy them some lovely summery things. Except there won’t be any left.. You may be lucky enough to spot the fab romper you’ve been looking at for months, but it’ll be in the wrong colour and/ or size. So i’m telling you, buy now or regret later. You really will! Continue reading